[wi-sun rlmmwg] Discussion on Security Features in RLMM Profile and Request for Feedback

Ryota Yamada ryamada at ari.ncl.omron.co.jp
Mon Mar 7 19:20:52 PST 2016

Dear RLMM WG members,

I would like to share current status of discussion on security features 
in RLMM Profile.

1. Background
In the process of the ballot for "Wi-SUN Profile for RLMM Revison 1v00", 
several feedback showing concern about missing security features in 
"Wi-SUN Profile for RLMM Revison 1v00". The details on the feedback are 
available on the page 8 of the material used in the Wi-SUN RLMM WG TC on 
Feb. 25th JST available from here: 

2. Summary of discussion by now
(1) From the viewpoint of marketing, as there is a big focus on security 
in IoT right now and it could be very bad publicity for Wi-SUN Alliance 
if someone criticize a Wi-SUN profile unsecure and hackable, all Wi-SUN 
Profiles shall require that security features be implemented and that 
the certification program checks them.
(2) There are some applications which may not require security. For 
those application, it should be the users' decision whether they use 
security features or not.
(3) As requirement for security feature will be different in different 
network type, security features to be supported in each network types 
should be defined in each recommended usage. From the viewpoint of 
product developer, no security feature which is not required by 
application should not be required to be implemented to avoid 
unnecessary effort.

3. Proposed direction
According to the discussion, following direction is proposed:
  - In "Wi-SUN Profile for RLMM Revison 1v01", a new section "3.4 
Security" will be added and all security features supported in RLMM 
profile will be listed in here. Details on the security feature will be 
described in subsections in each profiles. For example, if one security 
feature listed in "3.4 Security" is a security feature in MAC layer in 
non IP network, the details on that feature will be described in section 
"4.4 MAC Part" which is a subsection of "4. Wi-SUN Profile (RLMM over 
Non IP).
  - Each recommended usage which will correspond to test and 
certification specification, at least one of security features listed in 
section "3.4 Security" should be selected as mandatory feature to be 
implemented. The security feature to be mandatory will be selected in 
each network type. It is OK to give option for user to disable the 
security feature defined as mandatory, but the feature is required to be 

4. Candidates for the security features to be supported
Some members provided feedback regarding security features to be 
supported. The proposed features are summarized on page 9 of the 
material used in the RLMM WG TC on Mar. 3rd JST available from here: 

5. Request for feedback from members
(1) Regarding the proposed direction described in "3. Proposed 
direction" above, if you have any comment, question, objection and/or 
suggestion, please let me know.
(2) Regarding candidates for the security features to be supported, if 
you have some specific feature in your mind and if it is not listed in 
the material shown in "4. Candidates for the security features to be 
supported" above, please let me know.
(3) As one of candidate for the security feature to be supported in RLMM 
Profile, the security features described in IEEE802.15.4 is proposed as 
described in the material shown in "4. Candidates for the security 
features to be supported" above. In case we employ this feature, we need 
to consider about a mechanism for key exchange. One of the simplest 
mechanism which can be supported even by R0 devices is to use key set by 
users' hand, in other words, keys will not be updated if users do not 
care. Is there any objection to use this mechanism as a mandatory 
feature for network type A?

If you have any comment, question and/or suggestion, please provide it. 
We are now continuing our discussion in RLMM WG TC and the next TC will 
be held from 11:00am on Mar. 10th JST. Feedback thorough e-mail 
reflector or e-mail direct to me will also be very welcomed.

Best regards,

| Ryota Yamada <ryamada at ari.ncl.omron.co.jp>
| OMRON Corporation
|  Technology and Intellectual Property H.Q.
|   Planning and CTO Support Division
|    Open Innovation Sec.
| Tel: +81-774-74-2158 (Ext: 7-232-6558)

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