[wi-sun rlmmwg] PHYWG-PHY-Technical-Specification-Recirculation-Letter-Ballot Announcement

Kunal Shah kshah at silverspringnet.com
Tue Jan 26 19:42:48 PST 2016

Dear All,

The PHYWG is officially beginning a Letter Ballot Recirculation for the PHY technical specification 0V13.

Ballot Duration and Closing Date
The Ballot will be 7 days duration and will close at 10:00 PST on Tuesday 2nd February 2016.

Balloted Document
The document being balloted is the PHY Specification 0V13. This file can be downloaded from the DMS server:
Filename: https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=PHYWG%2FPHY%20Specification%2F20150727-PHY-Wi-SUN%20PHY%20Specification-0V13.pdf
Eligible Voters
The following Entities (Companies/Organizations) are eligible to vote:
Promoter Members
Analog Devices
Silver Spring Networks
Contributor Members
Texas Instruments
Voting Options
Each eligible member company shall cast 1 vote per company.  Valid votes are:
Approve (Y) without comments,
Approve (Y) with comments,
Disapprove (N) with comments,
Abstain (A).
Technical comments marked as “Must Be Satisfied” are considered as the reason for a disapprove (N) vote.

All Wi-SUN Alliance member companies may submit comments.

It should be noted that the Marketing Committee will attempt to resolve all comments received during a ballot to the satisfaction of the commenter and the Committee.

Comment Spreadsheet
Please submit comments using the specified comment spreadsheet:
Filename: https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=PHYWG%2FPHY%20Specification%2FComment%20Spreadsheets%2F20151119-PHYWG-Comment-Submission-PHY-Technical-Specification-Company-Name-0v03.xlsx
Please ensure that all comments from your company / organization are collated within your organization and submitted using a single spreadsheet together with your organization's vote. Please follow the instructions included in the spreadsheet.

Ballot Response
Please send your ballot response in an email
Subject: PHYWG-PHY Tech Spec Ballot-Company Name-Vote
To: kshah at silverspringnet.com<mailto:kshah at silverspringnet.com>

Please also indicate your voting option in the body of the email and attach the completed comment spreadsheet if you are submitting comments.

Voting Policy and Procedure
The policy and procedures for the Ballot, including determination of eligible voters, are described in the Wi-SUN Alliance Policy and Procedures document available at:
Policy-and-Procedure 20131202-Wi-SUN Policy and Procedure voting 1V01.docx<https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=Policy-andProcedure%2F20131202-Wi-SUN%20Policy%20and%20Procedure%20voting%201V01.docx>

If you have any questions, please contact kshah at silverspringnet.com<mailto:kshah at silverspringnet.com>
Kunal Shah

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