[wi-sun rlmmwg] We will postpone the Wi-SUN RLMM WG TC today until next week Mar. 27th (Re: We will postpone Wi-SUN RLMM WG TC tomorrow to wait for feedback from members (Re: Agenda and Materials for the RLMM WG TC today (Re: WebEx meeting reminder: Wi-SUN RLMM WG TC on Mar. 13th (Fri.) 14:30-15:30 JST)))

Ryota Yamada ryamada at ari.ncl.omron.co.jp
Thu Mar 19 18:10:27 PDT 2015

Dear RLMM WG members,

As there are no objection, I would like to postpone the RLMM WG TC today 
until next week Mar. 27th.

We will use following time slot for our next call:
Mar. 26th (Thu) 21:30-22:30 PST
Mar. 27th (Fri) 00:30-01:30 EST
Mar. 27th (Fri) 05:30-06:30 UTC
Mar. 27th (Fri) 11:00-12:00 IST
Mar. 27th (Fri) 14:30-15:30 JST

Again, I would like to ask members to provide feedback for the 
discussion regarding NWK part referring the page 13 of the material 
shared last week.

Best regards,

On 2015/03/19 10:19, Ryota Yamada wrote:
> Dear RLMM WG members,
> This is a gentle reminder for providing feedback for the discussion in
> the last call and proposal for waiting one more week to wait for feedback.
> As I announced through the e-mail last week, we are now gathering
> feedback from members regarding two points:
> (1) Feedback for the result of discussion in the last call
> (2) Feedback for the discussion on NWK part described in the page 13 of
> the material shared last week
> Regarding (1), I have not received any further comments at this moment.
> I assume that members are fine with the result.
> Regarding (2), some members ask for more time to consolidate feedback. I
> would like to ask members to provide your comment. Any comment will be
> welcome.
> If there are no objection, we will wait another week and postpone our
> teleconference until next week Mar. 27th. If you have objection or any
> urgent topic to be discussed, please let me know by tomorrow Mar. 20th
> morning 08:00 JST.
> Best regards,
> Ryota
> On 2015/03/13 19:49, Ryota Yamada wrote:
>> Dear RLMM WG members,
>> I have uploaded updated version of the material which we made a change
>> in the call today. We updated page 12 to include Low Energy Superframe
>> as a part of Low Energy Mechanism. The updated version of the material
>> is avaliable from here:
>> https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=M2MIG%2F20150313%20RLMM%20WG%20TC%200v01.pptx
>> Regarding 5 discussion points on PHY and MAC parts described from page 8
>> to 13, the attendees agreed in the call. If you could not attend the
>> call and have anything about these pages, please let me know before next
>> call to be held on Mar. 20th JST.
>> I would also like to ask members to take a look on the page 13. If you
>> have anything, please let me know before next call.
>> Best regards,
>> Ryota
>> On 2015/03/13 8:47, Ryota Yamada wrote:
>>> Dear RLMM WG members,
>>> Here is a proposed agenda for the RLMM WG call today:
>>> 1. Call to Order
>>> 2. Reminder on Membership Agreement
>>> 3. Attendance
>>> 4. Agree Agenda
>>> 5. Review Discussions in the Last Call
>>> 6. Share Updates after the Last Call
>>> 7. Discussion on Technical Specification
>>>      - PHY part and MAC part
>>>      - NMK part
>>> 8. Share Next Steps
>>> 9. Appoint Next Call
>>> 10. Any Other Business
>>> 11. Adjournment
>>> Here is the material which we will use in the call today:
>>> [1]
>>> https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=M2MIG%2F20150313%20RLMM%20WG%20TC%200v00.pptx
>>> [2]
>>> https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=M2MIG%2F20150123%20Minutes%20of%20RLMM%20WG%20TC%20on%20Jan%2023rd%202015%200v00.docx
>>> [3]
>>> https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=M2MIG%2F20150227%20Minutes%20of%20RLMM%20WG%20TC%20on%20Feb%2027th%202015%200v01.docx
>>> Best regards,
>>> Ryota
>>> On 2015/03/12 15:12, Ryota Yamada wrote:
>>>> Dear RLMM WG members,
>>>> As we scheduled in last week, we will have our teleconference using
>>>> following time slot:
>>>> Mar. 12th (Thu) 21:30-22:30 PST
>>>> Mar. 13th (Fri) 00:30-01:30 EST
>>>> Mar. 13th (Fri) 05:30-06:30 UTC
>>>> Mar. 13th (Fri) 11:00-12:00 IST
>>>> Mar. 13th (Fri) 14:30-15:30 JST
>>>> We will share the feedback from members regarding 5 discussion
>>>> points we
>>>> shared in the last call. We also share new point regarding network
>>>> layer.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Ryota
>>>> On 2015/03/06 14:01, messenger at webex.com wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Ryota Yamada,
>>>>> You are scheduled to host this WebEx meeting.
>>>>> Host key: 537027
>>>>> Wi-SUN RLMM WG TC on Fri. 14:30-15:30 JST
>>>>> Friday, March 13, 2015
>>>>> 2:30 pm | Japan Time (Tokyo, GMT+09:00) | 1 hr
>>>>> https://omron-innovation.webex.com/omron-innovation/j.php?MTID=m6ff3493326624bde8180d670b6f3afc3
>>>>> Meeting number: 869 227 489
>>>>> Meeting password: rlmm201410
>>>>> +1-855-749-4750 US TOLL FREE
>>>>> +1-415-655-0001 US TOLL
>>>>> Access code: 869 227 489
>>>>> Global call-in numbers:
>>>>> https://omron-innovation.webex.com/omron-innovation/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=317890977&tollFree=1
>>>>> Toll-free calling restrictions:
>>>>> http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf
>>>>> Can't join the meeting? Contact support here:
>>>>> https://omron-innovation.webex.com/omron-innovation/mc
>>>>> IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this WebEx service allows audio and
>>>>> other information sent during the session to be recorded, which may be
>>>>> discoverable in a legal matter. You should inform all meeting
>>>>> attendees
>>>>> prior to recording if you intend to record the meeting.

| Ryota Yamada <ryamada at ari.ncl.omron.co.jp>
| OMRON Corporation
| Technology Marketing and Development Center
| Tel: +81-774-74-2158 (Ext: 7-232-6558)

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