[wi-sun rlmmwg] Wi-SUN Alliance Member Meeting, April 2019

Phil Beecher pbeecher at wi-sun.org
Fri Feb 22 14:29:56 GMT 2019

Wi-SUN-Alliance <https://www.wi-sun.org/?idU=1&acm=10_12>

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Wi-SUN Alliance Spring Member Meeting,

Atlanta GA,

24-25 April 2019

Dear Members,

The Spring Wi-SUN Alliance Annual Member meeting will be held on 24-25 
April 2019 at Georgia Tech Conference Center, Atlanta, GA. A big thank 
you to Landis+Gyr for supporting this meeting.

In addition to hearing the latest developments from the Wi-SUN Alliance, 
technology updates, implementations and adoption, Working Groups will be 
conducting face to face working sessions. The meeting is open to all 
Wi-SUN Alliance members.

Registration is now open: please click here 
<https://www.wi-sun.org/stec_event/wi-sun-alliance-member-meeting/> for 
more information and to register.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Wi-SUN Alliance

Register Here 

The Wi-SUN Alliance, 2019.   All Rights Reserved.


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