[wi-sun rlmmwg] Resolution to comments received on RLMM PHY Specification

Kunal Shah kshah at ssni.com
Wed Jan 25 19:47:41 PST 2017

Dear RLMM members and Yamada-san,

PHYWG recently had a review on the RLMM PHY Specification and received comments on the draft document.

During today’s PHYWG call, the received comments were discussed and some of those comments were resolved. The resolution to some of the comments requires input from RLMM profile WG.

I would like to request the RLMM members to review the resolutions to those comments and provide feedback to me.

The link to the revised comment spreadsheet is shown below in the email.

Kunal Shah

From: phywg <phywg-bounces at wi-sun.org<mailto:phywg-bounces at wi-sun.org>> on behalf of Kunal Shah <kshah at ssni.com<mailto:kshah at ssni.com>>
Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 7:41 PM
To: "phywg at wi-sun.org<mailto:phywg at wi-sun.org>" <phywg at wi-sun.org<mailto:phywg at wi-sun.org>>
Subject: Re: [wi-sun phywg] PHYWG-RLMM-PHY-Specification Review Results

Dear PHYWG members,

Thank you for attending today’s PHYWG call.

As discussed the resolutions to received comments on the RLMM PHY Spec, I have uploaded the revised comment spreadsheet to DMS server.

The link the document can be found here,

Please let me know of any questions or comments.


From: phywg <phywg-bounces at wi-sun.org<mailto:phywg-bounces at wi-sun.org>> on behalf of Kunal Shah <kshah at ssni.com<mailto:kshah at ssni.com>>
Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 at 11:35 PM
To: "phywg at wi-sun.org<mailto:phywg at wi-sun.org>" <phywg at wi-sun.org<mailto:phywg at wi-sun.org>>
Subject: [wi-sun phywg] PHYWG-RLMM-PHY-Specification Review Results

Dear PHYWG members,

Thank you all for reviewing the RLMM PHY Spec draft and submitting comments on the draft.

We have received total 6 comments on the draft and are posted on DMS server,

All the comments will be discussed during tomorrow, 24th January PT scheduled PHYWG call.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Kunal Shah

From: Kunal Shah <kshah at ssni.com<mailto:kshah at ssni.com>>
Date: Monday, January 23, 2017 at 3:28 PM
To: "phywg at wi-sun.org<mailto:phywg at wi-sun.org>" <phywg at wi-sun.org<mailto:phywg at wi-sun.org>>
Subject: [Reminder] PHYWG-RLMM-PHY-Specification Review Announcement

Dear PHYWG member,

I would like to remind all to submit their comments on the RLMM PHY Spec. The review period is due tonight 23rd January, 2017 at 10:00 PM PT.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kunal Shah

From: phywg <phywg-bounces at wi-sun.org<mailto:phywg-bounces at wi-sun.org>> on behalf of Kunal Shah <kshah at ssni.com<mailto:kshah at ssni.com>>
Date: Sunday, January 15, 2017 at 8:44 PM
To: "phywg at wi-sun.org<mailto:phywg at wi-sun.org>" <phywg at wi-sun.org<mailto:phywg at wi-sun.org>>
Subject: [wi-sun phywg] PHYWG-RLMM-PHY-Specification Review Announcement

Dear PHYWG Members,

Wi-SUN RLMM WG has prepared the PHY specification for RLMM profile and would like PHYWG members to review the document.

I would PHYWG members to review the below document and provide with any comments before the review deadline.

Review Duration and Closing Date:
The review period will be 8 days duration and will close at 10:00 PST on Modnay 23rd January 2017.

Review Document:
The document being reviewed is the RLMM PHY Specification 0V00. This file can be downloaded from the DMS server:
Filename: https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=PHYWG%2FRLMM%2F20161201-Wi-SUN-RLMM-Profile-1v00-PHY-0v01-2_0V00.doc

Comment Spreadsheet:
Please submit comments using the specified comment spreadsheet:
Filename: https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=PHYWG%2FRLMM%2F20170115-PHYWG-Comment-Submission-RLMM-PHY-Specification-Company-Name-0v00.xlsx
Please ensure that all comments from your company / organization are collated within your organization and submitted using a single spreadsheet together. Please follow the instructions included in the spreadsheet.

Please send your response to me at kshah at ssni.com<mailto:kshah at ssni.com>
If you have any questions, please let me know.

Kunal Shah
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