[wi-sun rlmmwg] Next RLMM WG TC and important due dates (WebEx meeting reminder: Wi-SUN RLMM WG TC on Thu. 11:00-12:00 JST)

Joyce, Thomas Thomas.Joyce at analog.com
Sat Jan 23 04:05:06 PST 2016

Dear Yamada-san,

I check the draft 05 document and have attached updated comment sheet.

One extra query I have (not in the sheet) is whether the last statement on p17 is correct. To avoid duplication, I think a corresponding full 64-bit address is needed.

There are also some minor improvements we can make to punctuation in some spots and we can do that later.


-----Original Message-----
From: rlmmwg [mailto:rlmmwg-bounces at wi-sun.org] On Behalf Of Ryota Yamada
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 8:08 AM
To: rlmmwg at wi-sun.org
Subject: Re: [wi-sun rlmmwg] Next RLMM WG TC and important due dates (WebEx meeting reminder: Wi-SUN RLMM WG TC on Thu. 11:00-12:00 JST)

Dear RLMM WG members,

As some members need more time to provide feedback, some members can not attend today due to schedule conflict and there are only few updates by now, I would like to postpone the RLMM WG TC today and provide updates through e-mail instead of having the call. I am sorry for making change in the very last minutes.

The minutes of the last call is available on the DMS: 

Regarding (1) the review of Technical Specification 1v00 Draft 05, I have received two comments, but some members are still working on and need more time. I would like to wait another one week. If there are no further comments, we will solve the two comments received by now in the next call and proceed to approve. The latest version of the comment spreadsheet is available on the DMS: 

Regarding (2) survey for Interest for Network Type, Beacon Mode and Frequency Band, I have not received any additional feedback after the last call. I will follow up with members who provide feedback for past survey one by one and try to get feedback until next call.

We will have our next call using following timeslot:
Jan. 27th (Wed) 18:00-19:00 PST
Jan. 27th (Wed) 21:00-22:00 EST
Jan. 28th (Thu) 02:00-03:00 GMT
Jan. 28th (Thu) 07:30-08:30 IST
Jan. 28th (Thu) 11:00-12:00 JST

On 2016/01/20 10:29, Ryota Yamada wrote:
> Dear RLMM WG members,
> This is gentle reminder for (1) the review of Technical Specification
> 1v00 Draft 05 and (2) survey for Interest for Network Type, Beacon 
> Mode and Frequency Band.
> Please provide your feedback by the end of today Jan. 20th (Wed) JST 
> to be ready for the RLMM WG TC tomorrow.
> Best regards,
> Ryota
> On 2016/01/14 18:24, Ryota Yamada wrote:
>> Dear RLMM WG members,
>> We will have our next call using following timeslot:
>> Jan. 20th (Wed) 18:00-19:00 PST
>> Jan. 20th (Wed) 21:00-22:00 EST
>> Jan. 21st (Thu) 02:00-03:00 GMT
>> Jan. 21st (Thu) 07:30-08:30 IST
>> Jan. 21st (Thu) 11:00-12:00 JST
>> To be ready for the next call, I would like to remind members about 
>> two things which I announced through e-mail reflector:
>> (1) Technical Specification 1v00 Draft 05: Please take time for 
>> reviewing the Draft 05 and provide your comment using the comment 
>> spreadsheet by the end of Jan. 20th (Wed) JST.
>>   - The Draft 05 is available from here:
>> https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=downloa
>> d&file=M2MIG%2F20160114-Wi-SUN-RLMM-Profile-1v00_draft05_clean.doc
>>   - The comment spreadsheet is available from here:
>> https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=downloa
>> d&file=M2MIG%2F20160114%20RLMM%20WG%20Comment%20Submission%20Form%20f
>> or%20(20160114-Wi-SUN-RLMM-Profile-1v00_draft05_clean)%200v00.xlsx
>> (2) Survey for Interest for Network Type, Beacon Mode and Frequency
>> Band: Please provide your feedback using the form also by the end of 
>> Jan. 20th (Wed) JST if you have not done yet.
>>   - The form is available from here:
>> https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=downloa
>> dfile=M2MIG%2F20160113%20Survey%20Form%20for%20Interest%20for%20Netwo
>> rk%20Type%20and%20Frequency%20Band%200v02.xlsx
>> If you are not interested in these topics but you are not going to be 
>> able to attend the next RLMM WG TC, please let me know.
>> Best regards,
>> Ryota
>> On 2016/01/14 10:31, messenger at webex.com wrote:
>>> Hi, Ryota Yamada,
>>> You are scheduled to host this WebEx meeting.
>>> Host key: 537027
>>> Wi-SUN RLMM WG TC on Thu. 11:00-12:00 JST Thursday, January 21, 2016
>>> 11:00 am | Japan Time (Tokyo, GMT+09:00) | 1 hr
>>> https://omron-innovation.webex.com/omron-innovation/j.php?MTID=mb815a6c537334187b03c4b5c5bdbdf77
>>> Meeting number: 869 227 489
>>> Meeting password: rlmm201504
>>> +1-855-749-4750 US TOLL FREE
>>> +1-415-655-0001 US TOLL
>>> Access code: 869 227 489
>>> Global call-in numbers:
>>> https://omron-innovation.webex.com/omron-innovation/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=317890977&tollFree=1
>>> Toll-free calling restrictions:
>>> http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf
>>> Can't join the meeting? Contact support here:
>>> https://omron-innovation.webex.com/omron-innovation/mc
>>> IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this WebEx service allows audio and
>>> other information sent during the session to be recorded, which may be
>>> discoverable in a legal matter. You should inform all meeting attendees
>>> prior to recording if you intend to record the meeting.

| Ryota Yamada <ryamada at ari.ncl.omron.co.jp>
| OMRON Corporation
|  Technology and Intellectual Property H.Q.
|   Planning and CTO Support Division
|    Open Innovation Sec.
| Tel: +81-774-74-2158 (Ext: 7-232-6558)

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