[wi-sun rlmmwg] Updated PHY Specification and comment spreadsheet

Kunal Shah kshah at silverspringnet.com
Sat Jan 16 00:40:45 PST 2016

Dear PHYWG members,

Thank you all for attending this week's PHYWG call.

Based on this week’s PHYWG call, we have resolved lot of comments received on the PHYWG ballot. I have incorporated all the agreed resolutions to the updated PHY specification document.

The updated comment spreadsheet V05 with resolutions have been updated on the server,

The update document 0v13TOBEv02 can be found on Wi-SUN ftp server,

Please review the updated PHY specification draft and let me know of any comments.

We have total 4 comments to be resolved and hopefully we should be able to resolve on our next week’s PHYWG call and will go for recirculation.

Kunal Shah
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