[wi-sun rlmmwg] [Result] Wi-SUN Profile for RLMM Revison 1v00 - Letter Ballot Announcement

Ryota Yamada ryamada at ari.ncl.omron.co.jp
Wed Feb 17 17:08:20 PST 2016

Dear RLMM WG members,

The RLMM WG ballot for "Wi-SUN Profile for RLMM Revision 1v00" is closed 
with following results:
  - Eligible Voters: 12
  - Actual Voters: 9
  - Approve Votes: 8
  - Disapprove Votes: 0
  - Abstain Vote: 1

Return Ratio: 75.00%
Approve Ratio: 100.00%

The ballot was quorate and passed.

There are 10 comments received from members:
  - Technical Comments: 7
  - Editorial Comments: 3

The comment spreadsheet including all 10 comments is available from 

Apart from the comments received using comment spreadsheet, some members 
provided their comments regarding what is not covered in "Wi-SUN Profile 
for RLMM Revision 1v00" such as security feature, and so on. These will 
be summarized and shared in the RLMM WG TC.

Thank you very much for submitting your votes and comments. I appreciate 
all helps from members for creating "Wi-SUN Profile for RLMM Revision 1v00".

Best regards,

On 2016/02/12 7:54, Ryota Yamada wrote:
> Dear RLMM WG members,
> I would like to announce to extend the ballot duration from 7 days to 14
> days. I received feedback from some members asking for extending the
> duration. If you have any objection, please let me know.
>   - Ballot Duration and Closing Date (7days extended)
>      - The Ballot will be 14 days duration and will close at 9:00 JST on
> Feb. 18th, 2016.
> I appreciate voters who cast your votes by former due date. If you would
> like to make changes on your votes, please recast your votes by new due
> date.
> For eligible voters who have not cast your votes, please do not for get
> to do it.
> Best regards,
> Ryota
> On 2016/02/10 9:01, Ryota Yamada wrote:
>> Dear RLMM WG members,
>> I would like to remind all eligible voters to submit their vote and
>> comments on the Wi-SUN Profile for RLMM Revision 1v00. The ballot is due
>> to close tomorrow Feb. 11th, 2016 at 9:00 AM JST.
>> The list of eligible voters is included in the e-mail below. Please do
>> not forget to cast your vote.
>> If you have any question, please let me know.
>> Best regards,
>> Ryota
>> On 2016/02/04 8:36, Ryota Yamada wrote:
>>> Dear RLMM WG members,
>>> RLMM WG is officially beginning a Letter Ballot for the Technical
>>> Specification "Wi-SUN Profile for RLMM Revison 1v00".
>>>   - Ballot Duration and Closing Date
>>>      - The Ballot will be 7 days duration and will close at 9:00 JST on
>>> Feb. 11th, 2016.
>>>   - Balloted Document
>>>      - The document being balloted is the Technical Specification
>>> "Wi-SUN Profile for RLMM Revison 1v00" referred from following document
>>> on the DMS server:
>>> https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=M2MIG%2F20160204-Wi-SUN-RLMM-Profile-1v00.doc
>>>   - Eligible Voters
>>>      - The following Entities (Companies/Organizations) are eligible to
>>> vote:
>>>         - Promoter Members
>>>            - Analog Devices
>>>            - Cisco
>>>            - Murata
>>>            - NICT
>>>            - Omron
>>>            - Renesas
>>>            - Rohm
>>>            - Silver Spring Networks
>>>            - Toshiba
>>>         - Contributor Members
>>>            - Anritsu
>>>            - Fujitsu
>>>            - Oki
>>>   - Voting Options
>>>      - Each eligible member company shall cast 1 vote per company.
>>>      - Valid votes are:
>>>         - Approve (Y) without comments,
>>>         - Approve (Y) with comments,
>>>         - Disapprove (N) with comments,
>>>         - Abstain (A).
>>>      - Technical comments marked as “Must Be Satisfied” are considered
>>> as the reason for a disapprove (N) vote.
>>>      - All Wi-SUN Alliance member companies may submit comments.
>>>   - Comment Spreadsheet
>>>      - Please submit comments using following comment spreadsheet:
>>> https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=M2MIG%2F20160204%20RLMM%20WG%20Comment%20Submission%20Form%20for%20(20160204-Wi-SUN-RLMM-Profile-1v00)%200v00.xlsx
>>>      - Please ensure that all comments from your company / organization
>>> are collated within your organization and submitted using a single
>>> spreadsheet together with your organization's vote.
>>>      - Please follow the instructions included in the spreadsheet.
>>>   - Ballot Response
>>>      - Please send your ballot response in an email
>>>         Subject: RLMM WG-RLMM Profile 1v00 Ballot-Company Name-Vote
>>>         To: ryamada at ari.ncl.omron.co.jp, Thomas.Joyce at analog.com
>>>      - Please also indicate your voting option in the body of the email
>>> and attach the completed comment spreadsheet if you are submitting
>>> comments.
>>>   - Voting Policy and Procedure
>>>      - The policy and procedures for the Ballot, including determination
>>> of eligible voters, are described in the Wi-SUN Alliance Policy and
>>> Procedures document available at:
>>> https://dms.wi-sun.org/htcomnet/Handlers/Download.ashx?action=download&file=Policy-andProcedure%2F20131202-Wi-SUN%20Policy%20and%20Procedure%20voting%201V01.docx
>>> If you have any questions, please contact ryamada at ari.ncl.omron.co.jp.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Ryota

| Ryota Yamada <ryamada at ari.ncl.omron.co.jp>
| OMRON Corporation
|  Technology and Intellectual Property H.Q.
|   Planning and CTO Support Division
|    Open Innovation Sec.
| Tel: +81-774-74-2158 (Ext: 7-232-6558)

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