[wi-sun rlmmwg] Comment Resolution for the Big Picture of Technical Specification

Ryota Yamada ryamada at ari.ncl.omron.co.jp
Tue Jan 13 22:59:58 PST 2015

Dear RLMM WG members,

In the last RLMM WG call on Jan. 9th, we shared proposal for comment 
resolution for the Big Picture of Technical Specification. The proposed 
resolutions for 6 out of 8 comments are provided in following 
spreadsheet. Please take time for reviewing them and if you have any 
comment, question or suggestion, please let me know: 

Regarding comment #3 and #7, we need some discussion. I summarized 
information on the page 8 and 9 of this slide: 

In the last RLMM WG call, regarding comment #3, "2047bytes (recommend 
255bytes)" was preferred as (1) it is synchronized with the Profile for 
ECHONET Lite, (2) it can avoid higher PER and interference adn (3) it 
can cover the requirements in the MRD.

Regarding comment #7, there were no specific opinion in the call, but I 
received some feedback from members saying that it is just matter of 
timing and we can proceed with only 100kbps in 1v00 as we have plan to 
support 50kbps in 1v01.

If you have any comment, question or suggestion, please let me know. I 
would like to continue our discussion in the next call to be held on 
Fri. JST this week.

Best regards,

| Ryota Yamada <ryamada at ari.ncl.omron.co.jp>
| OMRON Corporation
| Technology Marketing and Development Center
| Tel: +81-774-74-2158 (Ext: 7-232-6558)

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