[wi-sun rlmmwg] Call for Nomination or Volunteer

Phil Beecher pbeecher at wi-sun.org
Thu Oct 2 10:38:21 PDT 2014

Dear All,

I received the following nominations and volunteers for officers of RLMM 
Working Group, before the specified closing time.

Nomination for chair: Ryota Yamada of Omron  (The nomination was made by 
several members)
Volunteer for secretary: Thomas Joyce of Analog Devices

Therefore, unless there are any objections, I will appoint Ryota Yamada 
as chair, and Thomas Joyce as secretary.  Thank you for your commitment.

Phil Beecher
Chair, Wi-SUN Alliance

On 25/09/2014 10:11, Ryota Yamada wrote:
> Dear RLMM WG members,
> In the RLMM WG TC today, there was a call for nomination or volunteer 
> for the chair of RLMM WG and the secretary of RLMM WG. If you have any 
> nomination or interest for volunteer, please send e-mail to Phil-san 
> <pbeecher at wi-sun.org> before Oct. 2nd 14:00 JST.
> Best regards,
> Ryota

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