[wi-sun promoters] Ballot Notice: Wi-SUN Netricity Technical Profile Specification 1v15 - CLOSES 25 JULY 2018

Eckert, Ed Ed.Eckert at itron.com
Wed Jul 11 15:12:34 PDT 2018

Netricity WG Voting Members & Promoters -

This email starts the ballot seeking approval of the Wi-SUN Netricity Technical Profile Specification 1V15.
This 14 day ballot will close on 25 July 2018 at 23:59 AOE.

This is a recirculation ballot of the working group agreed resolution to the comments received on the June 2018 ballot of 1V13.  The working group agreed resolution of those comments can be found here:

NTPS-Ballot #5-Comments - MASTER 180710 - Final.xlsx

The ballot version of the TPS can be found here:

Wi-SUN_Netricity Working Group-NTPS -1v15 180710.pdf

Please use the above PDF version line numbering for comment identification.

It is your right as a voting member to comment, and it is your duty as a stakeholder in the success of this document to include a proposed solution to your comment, with proposed text.  Comments on this recirculation ballot must be limited to those items changed as a result of the comment resolution against 1V13.  The comment submission spreadsheet can be found here:

NTPS-Ballot #5-RECIRCULATION-Comment Form - 180710


A difference document is also posted:

Wi-SUN_Netricity Working Group-NTPS-DIFF from 1v13 to 1v15 180710.docx

The voting pool consists of Netricity WG members in good standing plus the Wi-SUN Promoter Members.  The current WG members (shown in bold) are also all promoter members, therefore the voting pool consists of the following companies:

  *   Analog Devices
  *   Cisco
  *   Itron
  *   muRata
  *   NICT
  *   Omron
  *   Renesas
  *   Landis + Gyr
  *   Toshiba

Ed Eckert
Chair, Wi-SUN Netricity Working Group


Ed Eckert

Director, Strategic Industry Standards, Office of the CTO
Mobile: +1.919.271.0294
Knowledge to Shape Your Future

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